Thursday, March 18, 2010

Once's how you play the game:

Get Back! Get Back! Back post! BACK POST! COME ON, YOU HAVE TO MARK THAT MAN! As I stood on the sidelines yelling, again, getting frustrated, again, and looking around at my teammates also yelling, again, I had to take a second to stop and think. I am a mental game coach, this is my job. In the heat of the moment I know that this is where the hard work of Mental Toughness and focus come into play. What does my yelling, and the team yelling have to do with my Mental Game? Good question.

This is important on several levels. First, I know that a player with my behavioral style (My style is high I and D above the line for those of you who are familiar with the DISC system that we use) is prone to yell and scream and be very emotionally involved in the play. Sometimes this is to my advantage, sometimes not. I hustle non-stop and can be very inspiring when positive, but when the tides turn......As a coach, I also am very involved, likely to shout directions non-stop and get very emotional.

The mental game challenge for all of us is to develop the SELF AWARENESS to be able to interrupt a behavior when it is not working.  I also know from studying my "style" that I am very concerned about what others think about me and how they respond to me. For me to spend my energy yelling advice that no one is likely to be able to heed, and to get myself out of my focus on my own game, this is a waste of energy.  I need to pay attention to this as much as I pay attention to the field and the ball. If I do not, then I become a liability to my team, and progress toward my goals is restricted. As a coach, I need to make sure that the players that I am trying to reach will be open to what I have to say.

I know that I need to be more focused on taking care of my role to be effective. I need all of the energy that I can muster to get past defenders who are 20 years my junior. For someone with my style. it is much more effective to skip the constant commentary, advice and worrying about what others are doing; reserving energy for playing smart and keeping focused on my responsibilities. If I accomplish this, my comments can be saved for positive chatter that can have an uplifting effect on the team, especially after mistakes and things that may knock others right out of their mental game. Keeping comments limited and positive keeps team spirits up and the energy lively. Some players do not want encouragement when they are down and are resentful, and learning about my own style and others styles has helped me to figure out how to talk to players of different styles. ( As a coach, this type of information is absolutely incredible!)

If it does nothing for me to continually shout advice on the field, but this is my lifelong habit, what to I do to make the changes and develop new habits? At 6D Sports, we use a daily journal as a place to focus on our goals for mental game development. The journal teaches essential skills to use each day for developing the mental game. One of the most important of these skills is effective goal setting. For a player like me, with a tendency to waste energy and lose focus because of my emotional involvement, it is important to make my communication with others a priority to focus on in practice and play. Before each game I have to review my goals for the game, one of which needs to be, "I communicate positively, focus on my own play, focus on staying loose and creative."

When I do this, the difference in my play is amazing. When I am relaxed and focused, I hit the ball on target 200% more than other times. Keeping my emotions and energy in check keeps me creative and connected to my teammates. I am able to see the field better, and direct the play how I want it to go. I am not going to say that I wish that I had these skills when I was playing professionally, but if I had, I know that my career would have lasted much longer, and I would have enjoyed the game more.

Remember....enjoy the game!

Monday, July 21, 2008

what we do

We help players, coaches, and teams to leverage their strengths
by developing a clear understanding of how the mind
affects performance. 

This is not a self-help program or a book that you have to read, but a scientific study of 
your mental conditioning. Using our experience in psychology, behavioral analysis, sports coaching,
athletics, and formal axiology, we develop programs for athletes and coaches to improve the Mental Game.

How important is the Mental Game or mental toughness? It is well documented by sports psychologists
that athletes who devote even small amounts of time to training the mind consistently outperform their competition
who focus only on physical training. 
We know from our experience that the Mental Game is the FOUNDATION for athletic success, 
no matter what level of play or what sport. We have developed a program that pinpoints the areas 
of focus that will most benefit you and your athletic endeavors.  We use several different assessments 
including targeted Sports Axiology Profiles that are revolutionizing the field of sports psychology.
Never before has so much information been available to athletes and coaches. Never before has the elusive 
Mental Game been so easily within our reach!

Whether you are playing just for fun or for a million dollars a game, our scientifically based program is guaranteed 
to help you take your game to the next level by helping you develop mental toughness and the 
heart and mind of a CHAMPION in less than 15 minutes a day!

Do you want to win your division, your state, the World Cup?
Do you have the skills to get there? Are you already in the pros but can’t
keep your mental edge in practice and games? Are you an amateur athlete 
who has goals and accomplishments that you are not able to acheive?
Let’s see where you are and get you to where you want to be.
6 D Sport Consulting: Professional information for all levels of sport.